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Trash Pirates was created by Jenna, a military spouse with a big passion for the environment. Her family enjoys taking walks and picking up trash along the way while enjoying nature. While walking one day her son declared their family Trash Pirates because they were hunting for trash. The name became the inspiration for her organization.

Jenna is a Climate Reality Leader trained by Former Vice President Al Gore. She is also a part of several environmental groups and has environmental class certificates from HarvardX and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her hope is to educate her son and future generations about the effects of litter on the environment, animals, and humans while getting kids and their families involved in helping save our planet from the worst effects of climate change. 

Jenna currently resides, with her family, in the Florida Panhandle where they are happy to finally settle down and take root in a community. Their hope is to work with local organizations and businesses to improve environmental standards in the area and eliminate single-use plastics. 




We visit beaches, local parks, and walking paths to hunt for litter. We share what we find along with interesting facts and inspiring quotes on our social media pages to inspire others to clean up their part of the world. We hope to positively influence children and families into joining our movement by taking simple actions in their community, getting involved in climate activism, and learning more about our planet. 

-Provide educational articles for kids and resources for parents and teachers about litter, our environment, climate change, and more!
-Make local changes to discourage single-use plastic usage and littering.



September 2021 – We did a two-day cleanup in Alexandria, Virginia where we noticed a lot of trash in an open field, often used for soccer and recreation. We have noticed trash piling up in this area for some time. We reached out to Supervisor Rodney L. Lusk’s office and we were informed of their Operation Stream Shield initiative which provides part-time, temporary work experience to the homeless. OSS was informed of the litter at the field and will now be visiting it on a regular basis to make sure it stays clean.

November 2021 - After cleaning up an area near an Alexandria, VA high school  several times, we reached out to Supervisor Rodney L. Lusk's office again to report the constant littering in this area. Their awesome staff jumped into action. They were able to get the area put on Operation Stream Shield's schedule to get it cleaned up on a regular basis. In addition to that, they have reached out to VDOT and in the coming months, a "No Littering" sign will be placed along the road!

February 2022 - During a 2-hour cleanup with 8 volunteers, we were able to clean up 200 pounds of litter from a field and intersection in Alexandria, VA. Item's recovered were cigarette butts, bottles, plastics, children's toys, empty mulch bags, straws and more. See more! 

May 2022 - Over 37 pounds of trash were picked up by military, boy scouts, families, and a local official during our cleanup in the Kingstowne area of Alexandria, Virginia. Most that was picked up were small pieces like cigarette butts, wrappers, and car debris. See our photos!





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